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Politik: Entwicklung Chinas

Modern China


This online courses series from Harvard University gives an introduction to modern Chinese history and explores China’s global leadership role in the 21st century.

The courses include topics such as:

  • The creation of modern China
  • China and communism
  • China and the West
  • Contemporary China, including its relations to Taiwan and Hong Kong

The course instructors are Harvard professors and experienced experts for China and Asia. Successful learners can get a certificate

More than 50,000 participants have already viewed the online courses.

Check out all the details on the course website now!

Harvard University

Dozent: Professor Peter Bol
Bereitgestellt von: edX
Kurssprache: Englisch
Kosten: Ja (siehe Anbieterseite)
Level: Anfänger
Zertifikat erhältlich? (Gebühr)
Format: Online-Studium
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