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History: history of Rome, ancient history

Roman Art and Archaeology

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Provider: Coursera
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The objective of this online course is to provide an overview of the culture of ancient Rome beginning about 1000 BCE and ending with the so-called "Fall of Rome". The course will look at some of the key people who played a role in Rome, and also at Rome's expansion through Italy, the Mediterranean, and beyond.

Topics included in the course:

  • The Early Romans and Their Ancestors (ca. 1000 - 500 BCE)
  • The Roman Republic's Rise and Fall (509 - 31 BCE)
  • Augustus and the Early Roman Empire (31 BCE - 1st century CE)
  • Rome at its Zenith (2nd century CE)
  • Crisis and Conclusion (3rd to 7th centuries CE).

University of Arizona

Instructor: Professor David Soren
Provided by: Coursera
Course language: English
Fees: free course
Level: beginner
Certificate available? (fee)
Format: MOOC/online course
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