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This online course explores infectious disease dynamics, epidemics and pandemics.

The course includes topics such as:

  • the relevant organisms/pathogens,
  • infection and transmission,
  • host factors and immunity,
  • host and pathogen ecology/interaction,
  • epidemiology and superspreaders,
  • vaccination, and
  • disease surveillance.

This video-based course (MOOC) was created before the emergence of the coronavirus 2019-2020 (COVID-19) and gives a general overview of the topic. It also includes examples such as the flu, Ebola, and SARS.

The Pennsylvania State University

Instructor: Professor Dr. Ottar N. Bjornstad
Provided by: Coursera
Course language: English
Fees: free course
Level: beginner
Certificate available? (fee)
Format: MOOC/online course
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