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This course provides an introduction to the mechanical behavior of materials, from both the continuum and atomistic points of view. This is part 2, which covers stress...
An introduction to the basic methods of game design, this course includes defining and analyzing games and their mechanics, and understanding how mechanics affect gameplay and...
This first-year University chemistry course explores the basic principles of the chemical bond by studying the properties of solids. Properties such as stiffness, electrical...
This introductory synthetic biology course starts with a brief overview of the field and then delves into more challenging yet exciting concepts. Students will learn how to...
This MOOC covers all aspects involved in the design of supply chains for companies and organizations anywhere in the world. It teaches how to design and optimize physical,...
This online course gives an introduction to the economics of real-world energy markets, and discusses how various policies can address the impact of rising global energy demand...
This online course explores the creation of bio pharmaceuticals.
This course teaches how to manage and harness the dynamics and interactions between firms and entities within a supply chain.
The course will teach students how to use computation to accomplish a variety of goals and provides you with a brief introduction to a variety of topics in computational problem...
This online course teaches about design thinking and explores how it can transform classroom learning and school communities.
This online course (MOOC) gives an introduction to biology.The video course discusses the basics of biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology, recombinant DNA, genomics and...
This online course explores the fundamental principles underpinning statistics. It is aimed at those with some prior knowledge of statistics and covers topics such as parametric...
This online course gives an introduction to manufacturing systems and ways to analyze them in terms of material flow and storage, information flow, and capacities.
This online course series gives learners an understanding of supply chain analytics, design, technology, dynamics and end-to-end supply chain management.
This MOOC teaches fundamentals of probabilistic analysis and inference. Participants of the course will build computer programs that reason with uncertainty and make...
This online course provides a mathematically rigorous framework to understand financial markets. The course is delivered with data-driven insights from MIT professors and...
This online course helps to learn how to evaluate technologies within a global development context from the perspective of suitability, scalability and sustainability.
This online course teaches how technology is used in supply chain systems from fundamental concepts to innovative applications.
This online course explores materials from the atomic to the continuum level, and apply the learning to mechanics and engineering problems.
This online course explores the fundamental principles underlying fluid dynamics; including the kinematics of deformation, hydrostatics & buoyancy, inviscid flow and the...
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