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This series of MOOCs enables participants to learn Chinese and do business with people from one of the world's biggest economies.
This online course gives an introduction to the basic elements and trends that define sustainability practices in Architecture today. It follows an interdisciplinary approach...
This online course explores telemedicine as an important part of the future of healthcare. Key content areas include clinical considerations, patient safety, technology needs,...
This online course shows how to build a freelancing career by avoiding common mistakes. It also shows various tools and apps for freelancing.
This online course helps to understand Business Statistics. It begins with the notion of descriptive statistics, which is summarizing data using a few numbers.
This online course gives an introduction to the philosophy of science. It includes topics such as observations, experiments, and simulations; scientific objectivity; the...
This online course explores the global health harms caused by tobacco and the role played by public health research in improving health.
This course will teach learners to reflect on how they want to present themselves online and take positive steps towards these goals.
This online course gives an introduction to markets. Among many other topics, it includes timeless concepts like compounding, discounting, annuities, effective interest rates,...
This MOOC explores how to analyze business opportunities for their financial viability and secure funding to start and grow a business.
This series of online courses gives an introduction to Generative Art, i.e. the practice of generative systems (such as computers) applied to creative tasks. The courses include...
This online course program aims to teach the foundational basics of the Java programming language.
This online course gives an introduction to classical Chinese thoughts advanced by Confucius, Mozi, Laozi, Zhuangzi, Mencius, Xunzi, Hanfeizi and other legalist thinkers.
This online course shows advanced concepts of JavaScript such as closures, prototypal inheritance, IIFEs, and more.
This online course explores the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) launched by the United Nations (UN) in 2015.
This series of online courses equips individual investors and money managers with the skills required to develop their own trading strategies and test them.
This online course gives an introduction to digital marketing as well as its key platforms and implementation types.
There are several basic principals that can be used to explain how music can influence individual and community health and wellbeing. This course explores the ways that music...
This course will provide learners with an introduction to research data management and sharing. After completing this course, learners will understand the diversity of data and...
This online course explores the causes of failure and how to use this knowledge to enhance safety and improve performance.
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