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This course shows learners how forecasting and managing their finances can lead to a profitable and sustainable business.
This course will provide students with an insight into European Business Law. The series ranges from considering the basic structures and principles of the European Union to...
This series of MOOCs explores the fundamentals of probabilistic graphical models.
This online course explores how to approach the European continent from a business perspective and how to do business in Europe.
This online course teaches positive thinking techniques and gives mind tips to change one´s mindset.
This online course teaches Access and the basics of tables, queries, forms and reports.
Through this course, students learn how to go through the entire data analysis process.
This online course (MOOC) focuses on meditation, mindfulness, and contemplation. These concepts are increasingly seen as technologies rooted in evidence from psychology and...
This online course (MOOC) explores Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) using the antiretroviral medication emtricitibine/tenofovir to reduce transmission of HIV.
In this online course, participants will join scientists exploring the ocean from the deepest undersea vents to the chilly waters of the Poles. The course provides a taster of...
This online course teaches how to design business activities to engage customers through relationships instead of a one-off sale.
This online course teaches the key steps to build a successful startup company.The main idea in this course is learning how to rapidly develop and test ideas by gathering...
This online course explores what healthcare was like in the ancient Greece and the Roman world.
This online course program explores discrete mathematics as the language of computer science. The program includes programming examples, problems, and projects.
This online course gives an introduction to teaching for people who are currently teaching but have had no formal teacher education.
This online course explores the services and the architecture of 5G networks, the main principles of the new radio interface (NR), data flow management, security and the new...
This course utilizes an inquiry based approach to understanding sources of competitive advantages in companies and other organizations.
The course is founded upon the elemental idea that the role of the state is to maximize the wellbeing - or simply the happiness - of its residents. It touches upon the essence...
This online course teaches how to play saxophone, assemble and care for a saxophone, read and interpret music notation, and more.
This online course explores the stresses of police work and strategies to manage the stress.
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