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This online course gives an introduction to medical ethics and the ethical issues surrounding prenatal screening of disabilities.
This online course explores ways to support people with dementia. It includes signs and symptoms of dementia, interventions, support networks and more.
In this online course, participants will join scientists exploring the ocean from the deepest undersea vents to the chilly waters of the Poles. The course provides a taster of...
This online course discusses the concept of perioperative medicine, an emerging multi-disciplinary approach optimising the care of the high-risk surgical patient.
This online course program gives an introduction to MS Dynamics 365 and Power Platform.
This online course explores the psychology of music and movement, and how researchers study music-related movements.
This online course explores how we can learn to manage our natural resources with integrity.
This online course presents the challenges faced by transport systems in the 21st Century. Topics such as highway infrastructure, cost of transportation and transportation of...
This online course teaches how healthcare data can be used to improve processes with process mining.
This online course gives an introduction to effective public money management.
This online course explores how a focus on gender and sexuality transforms our understanding of modern, global history. The course includes key contemporary issues surrounding...
This online course explores how genetics is revolutionising the detection and treatment of cancer.
This online course explores the colourful history of Pop Art. The instructors are experts from the world-famous Centre Pompidou.
This online course explores the fundamentals of human anatomy by discussing the basic anatomical terminology.
This online course gives an introduction to human physiology. It explains the basics of the respiratory system, the cardiovascular system, and the nervous system.
This online course explores European empires and Europe’s history of expansion.
Psychological therapies and the work of clinical psychologists are now very popular. This online course provides an introduction to how psychologists understand emotions,...
This course will present every step of the research process, from developing a hypothesis and finding sources to writing up and presenting one’s findings.
This online course series gives an introduction to decision-making in a management context. It also explores bias, interpretation of data, and risk / uncertainty.
This online course gives an introduction to the key English vocabulary in an academic context. The course was designed for students who are planning to study at a university...
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