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This online course teaches advanced C# constructs such as events, delegates, lambda expressions, LINQ, and Async.
This online course teaches Tableau 10 in data science by solving real-life analytics problems at an expert level.
This online course shows the tools used by the world's top professional guitar players.Although the course starts with the fundamentals (such as guitar tuning and finger...
This online course shows how to build deep learning agents with neural networks.
This online course shows how to use Ethereum, Solidity, and smart contracts to build applications based on the Blockchain.
This online course teaches how to code a fully functional keylogger in C++ for use in Windows.
This online course shows advanced concepts of JavaScript such as closures, prototypal inheritance, IIFEs, and more.
This online course teaches how to build a full Role Playing Game (RPG) in Unity 5.5 & 2017.
This online course teaches how to manage Big Data with Hadoop.
This online course teaches the fundamentals and some of the advanced topics of the Java Persistence API (JPA) with Hibernatee.
This online course teaches in-depth interface and object-oriented programming in C#, with many real-world examples.
This online course teaches how to build an e-commerce app with Angular, Firebase and Bootstrap 4.
This online course shows some advanced JavaScript aspects, which helps learners to perform in a technical interview.
This online course shows some of the world's deadliest self defense moves.
In this online course, tennis champion Andre Agassi explains techniques and strategies for all essential strokes. The course requires some basic prior knowledge of tennis.
This online course teaches GRU, LSTM, and more modern deep learning, machine learning, and data science skills. Most of the work will be done in Numpy, Matplotlib, and Theano.
This online course teaches Machine Learning for iOS development.
This online course teaches how to build a full-stack web app with ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework Core and Angular 2 (Angular 4+).
This online course shows how to build dynamic websites and web applications using JavaScript.The course requires some basic understanding of HTML and CSS. It includes...
This online course teaches the entity framework and how to connect applications to a SQL Server database.
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