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This online course teaches the JavaScript language, jQuery, the JavaScript framework and the ins-and-outs of adding interactivity in the browser.
Free Romanian language app with many short tests to learn "on the go". (Not a video course.)
This online course teaches how to use color effectively to create attractive and useable websites.
In this online course, legendary chef Wolfgang Puck teaches cooking. The course includes more than 15 video lessons and various supplemental materials.
In this online course, "Watergate" reporter Bob Woodward teaches investigative journalism. The course includes more than 20 video lessons and various supplemental materials.
This online course teaches how to manage data with SQL, including mastering complex commands to manipulate and query data stored in relational databases. It includes topics such...
This online course teaches React, the JavaScript library developed at Facebook for building user interfaces.
This online course teaches how to publish a personal website to the public Internet.
These short online courses provided by Skillshare cover various topics around marketing, including digital marketing, branding, content marketing, social media marketing, and SEO.
In this online course, Jane Goodall shares her insights into animal intelligence, conservation, and activism. The course includes more than 20 video lessons and various...
In this online course, former U.S. President George W. Bush teaches leadership. The course includes more than 10 video lessons and various supplemental materials.
These online lessons explain the basics of lower extremity anatomy. In addition to the free video lessons, further (paid) trainings are available.
Free Portuguese language app with many short tests to learn "on the go". (Not a video course.)
This online course gives an introduction to artificial intelligence and deep learning for programmers.
Khan Academy provides various free introductory video lessons on electrical engineering. Topics include circuit analysis, amplifiers, semiconductors, electrostatics, signals and...
This course teaches how to build web apps using AngularJS 1.x, enabling learners to use AngularJS to create their own apps.
This series of online courses explains the role of testing in web development. Participants will build a testing suite for a full-stack web application.
This online course gives an introduction to the programming language Python.
Comprehensive language course in Greek. The idea of this course is to learn the language "like a native". This means that the course creates an immersive learning experience...
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