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This course will provide students with the tools and skills necessary to develop an iOS App from scratch. By the end of this first course they will be able to demonstrate...
This online course gives an introduction to deep learning (DL) methods, healthcare data and applications using DL methods.
This online course teaches how Apple's GCD (long form: Grand Central Dispatch) framework allows you to create asynchronous apps for iOS, ensuring a smooth user experience.
This online course teaches how quantum communication provides security that is guaranteed by the laws of nature.
In this course, students will create classifiers that provide state-of-the-art performance on a variety of tasks and will become familiar with some of the most successful...
This online course teaches what makes global projects uniquely challenging and how to successfully manage projects based in different industries and countries.
This online course teaches how to lead a firm to make better business decisions using analytic methods and create competitive advantages from data.
This course will teach its students two techniques for storing data to their device’s hard drive: the NSKeyedArchiver method and the more complex, but robust Core...
This online course covers advanced machine learning and signal processing concepts, including supervised and unsupervised machine learning.
This online course explores the theory of automata and languages. It includes finite automata and the languages they can define, deterministic and nondeterministic automata,...
This online course teaches how to digitally reconstruct a single neuron to better study the biological mechanisms of brain function, behaviour and disease.
This introductory synthetic biology course starts with a brief overview of the field and then delves into more challenging yet exciting concepts. Students will learn how to...
This online course (MOOC) teaches how to program specific orientation and achieve precise aiming goals for spacecraft moving through three dimensional space.
This online lecture covers major results and directions of research in data structure.
This online course teaches how to integrate a photovoltaic system into a microgrid of your design.
This online lecture gives an introduction to quantum optics.
This online course teaches the process of network security, including intrusion detection, evidence collection, network auditing, and contingency planning against attacks.
This course gives an introduction to the field of theoretical and computational neuroscience with a focus on models of single neurons. Neurons encode information about stimuli...
This online course teaches a comprehensive set of simulation techniques to predict the performance of photonic nanostructures.
This online course program gives an introduction to the Python programming language and its application in practical data science projects. Participants should already have a...
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