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This online course teaches basic, intermediate and advanced techniques in Microsoft Excel.It shows the most common Excel functions but also includes more advanced topics such as...
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This online course teaches habit formation: how to overcome resistance, take action, and make changes that last.
This course will provide an overview of the most important terms and concepts in the vast field of microbiology.
This online course gives an introduction to art history from the European Renaissance around 1300 A.D. until the Mid 20th Century. The course includes 80 video lessons by an...
This online course teaches how to create a successful mobile app business without prior experience.
This online course teaches the JavaScript language, jQuery, the JavaScript framework and the ins-and-outs of adding interactivity in the browser.
This course includes information about screening to identify risks and stages of development and growth. Topics in this course are: The Aging Process, Ante/Intra Postpartum and...
This online course gives an introduction to Wing Chun.
This online course teaches how to profitably re-engage with abandoning website visitors to get them to come back to a site at the right time and with the right message.
In this online course, participants learn how to use evangelism as an effective marketing technique. The teacher was previously chief evangelist of Apple.
This online course shows blogging strategies for content, promotion, list building, and monetization.
This online course shows about 50 photography tips for taking photos with DSLR, mirrorless or compact cameras.
This online course teaches how to create, design and deliver professional motion graphics and visual effects with After Effects CC.
This online course shows how to code tile-based worlds and related core gameplay for genres like arcade, overhead racing, and puzzle adventure.
This online course teaches HTML 5. The course is designed for beginners and includes 5 hours of video lectures as well as further materials.(Also check out this overview of...
This online course teaches the key Microsoft Excel pivot table features in Excel 2007, Excel 2010, Excel 2013 and Excel 2016.
This online course teaches advanced C# constructs such as events, delegates, lambda expressions, LINQ, and Async.
This online course teaches REST API backend development and how to build Node API and restful express API.
This online course teaches Tableau 10 in data science by solving real-life analytics problems at an expert level.
This online course includes a college-level music theory curriculum.
This online course teaches how to become a Full-Stack Developer and shows everything from design to front and back-end programming.
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