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This online video lecture series discusses advanced topics related to algorithms in computer science.
This video lecture discusses the computational complexity theory, including the Chomsky hierarchy, (un-) decidability,SPACE versus TIME, EXPSPACE and more advanced topics.
This is an online lecture taking a practical approach to proving problems can't be solved efficiently (in polynomial time and assuming standard complexity-theoretic assumptions...
This lecture series addresses questions related to the foundations of Quantum Mechanics. Topics include: Bell´s inequalities and Entanglement, Measurements, Decoherence and the...
This online lecture discusses aspects of Decays in Quantum Field Theory.
This online lecture gives an overview of statistical methods in language technology, focussing mostly on written language (texts).
This online course covers system identification. It includes eg. Introduction to modeling: Black-box and grey-box models; Parametric and non-parametric models; ARX, ARMAX (etc.)...
This course covers modeling, analysis, and design of distributed control systems. Distributed control systems include large-scale physical systems, engineered multi-agent...
This online lecture series explores real-world applications of category theory. Category theory provides a framework in which to organize formal systems and by which to...
This online lecture series introduces some of the important model systems studied in contemporary physics, including two-dimensional electron systems, the fine structure of...
This advanced-level online lecture series provides an overview of the Geometric Anatomy of Theoretical Physics.The aim of the course is to provide proper mathematical language...
This online lecture covers major results and directions of research in data structure.
This advanced-level online lecture gives an introduction to gravitational waves in astrophysics.
This online lecture gives an introduction to quantum optics.
Die Serie von Online-Vorlesungen erläutert den Linearbeschleuniger. Hierzu werden verschiedene Aspekte und Eigenschaften moderner Linacs (linear accelerators) betrachtet. Folien...
Diese Online-Vorlesung behandelt fortgeschrittene Themen der Quantenfeldtheorie und Quantenchromodynamik.
Diese Videovorlesung erläutert fortgeschrittene Aspekte der Programmierung. Vorkenntnisse sind erforderlich.
Diese Videovorlesung erläutert Logik und Verifikation.
Diese Online-Vorlesung gibt eine Einführung in die Kern- und Teilchenphysik: - Grundbausteine der Materie (Quarks und Leptonen) und ihre Wechselwirkungen (QED, QCD, schwache...
Diese Online-Vorlesung erläutert fortgeschrittene Aspekte der Optimierung und inversen Probleme.
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