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This online lecture gives an introduction to the concept of Parallel Programming.
This online video lecture series gives an introduction to cultural psychology.
This online lecture gives an introduction to biomedical signals and their digital analyis. (Note: course website is in German, but lectures + slides in English.)
This online lecture is designed to serve as a first course in an undergraduate electrical engineering (EE), or electrical engineering and computer science (EECS) curriculum.
This is the first semester in a two-semester introductory video lecture focused on current theories of structure and mechanism in organic chemistry, their historical...
This online lecture series gives an introduction to Greek history. It traces the development of Greek civilization as manifested in political, intellectual, and creative...
This online lecture series gives an introduction to quantum mechanics for use by chemists. Topics include particles and waves, wave mechanics, semi-classical quantum mechanics,...
This online lecture examines the neural bases of sensory perception. The focus is on physiological and anatomical studies of the mammalian nervous system as well as behavioral...
This online video lecture series explores various advanced aspects of organic chemistry.
This online lecture series offers a broad survey of modern European history, from the end of the Thirty Years' War to the aftermath of World War II. Along with the consideration...
This online lecture series gives an introduction to international relations. It includes theoretical foundations (such as realism, liberalism, marxism and constructivism) as...
This online lecture deals primarily with equilibrium properties of macroscopic systems, basic thermodynamics, chemical equilibrium of reactions in gas and solution phase, and...
This online lecture discusses nonlinear dynamics and control of underactuated mechanical systems, with an emphasis on machine learning methods.
This online lecture covers the derivation of symmetry theory; lattices, point groups, space groups, and their properties; use of symmetry in tensor representation of crystal...
This course examines the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) as an expression of the religious life and thought of ancient Israel, and a foundational document of Western civilization....
This online lecture explores the dynamics of evolution, including various mathematical models.
This online lecture gives an introduction to the architecture of supercomputers.
This is an online lecture taking a practical approach to proving problems can't be solved efficiently (in polynomial time and assuming standard complexity-theoretic assumptions...
This online lecture emphasizes dynamic models of growth and development. Topics covered include: migration, modernization, and technological change; static and dynamic models of...
This advanced-level online lecture series provides an overview of the Geometric Anatomy of Theoretical Physics.The aim of the course is to provide proper mathematical language...
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