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This course gives an introduction to some of the main areas of philosophy.It covers the following topics:Epistemology - What is our knowledge of the world and...
This online course (MOOC) explores the basics of Machine Learning.The Stanford course provides a broad introduction to machine learning, datamining, and statistical pattern...
This online course (MOOC) explores various learning techniques used by experts in art, music, literature, math, science, sports, and many other disciplines. It teaches how the...
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This course proposes an overview of current global health challenges drawing on the insights of several academic disciplines including medicine, public health, law, economics,...
This online course gives an introduction to international organizations and the United Nations. It explores the inner workings of international organizations and the challenges...
This online course teaches how to recognize aspects of team culture of which most people are normally unaware. It is often these seemingly unimportant aspects that have the...
This course will explore greening the economy on four levels – individual, business, city, and nation. It will look at the relationships between these levels and give many...
This online course gives an introduction to Gothic cathedrals. The course explores the art, literature, intellectual life, economics, and social arrangements that arose in the...
This online course (MOOC) explores the construction and interpretation of the U.S. Constitution through the centuries.
In this course participants will explore how to identify and classify customers and the different methods that marketing professionals use to shed light on how they make...
This online course helps to learn the tools and techniques to find the right vendors and maintain the right relationship with any one of the existing suppliers.
This online course gives an introduction to chronic pain and associated conditions.
This course talks about the oldest and most familiar principles of American law, property and proportional liability, in a new and surprising way, and teaches to apply economic...
This course covers the technical and management principles of health programs for acutely displaced populations in developing countries. The emphasis is on refugees in camp...
This course provides a brief introduction to game theory. The main goal is to understand the basic ideas behind the key concepts in game theory, such as equilibrium,...
This MOOC explores the basics of e-health: the role of data and technology in healthcare.
This course explores “10 things” that range from the menu of materials available to engineers in their profession to the many mechanical and electrical properties of materials...
This online course (MOOC) gives an introductory overview of supply chains.
This online course explores the basics of bluff body aerodynamics. Among others, the course examines topics such as basic aspects of fluid flow, building aerodynamics and...
In this course, learners will go in-depth with common data types (such as raster and vector data), structures, quality and storage.
This course will present short primers in genetics and mechanisms underlying variability in drug responses. A series of case studies will be used to illustrate principles of how...
This online course (MOOC) gives participants an introduction to modeling methods and simulation tools for a wide range of natural phenomena.
This course will provide learners with an introduction to research data management and sharing. After completing this course, learners will understand the diversity of data and...
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