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This online course explores the history of Stonehenge, a British monument of the Neolithic.
This course explains the field of implementation science. It develops problem-solving and analytical skills reflecting the trans-disciplinary nature of global health.
This online course explores global supply chains, how they function and how they can be governed.
This online course explores how to create truly integrated societies in diverse countries where migration is part of economic and social life.
This online course explores the current status of trade unions and discusses their transformation. The course instructors are international trade union experts.
This MOOC enhances some key skills that international participants will need for a successful transition from studies to employment. The course will teach about the German job...
This online course teaches participants how to build their own New Business Model, based on their own ideas. Step by step, participants will build and test the model, leading to...
This introductory Spanish course consists of 23 video sequences in 20 chapters. Course language is English.The course shows real communicative situations in different contexts...
This online course (MOOC) gives an overview of EU policies and programmes and provides practical tools and examples of available funding opportunities at a regional and local...
This online course gives an introduction to philosophical approaches to politics.
This course will teach what social innovations are and how they can help solve societal problems. It also gives an overview of important literature and debates on social...
This online course (MOOC) explores income inequalities within societies and key wage bargaining mechanisms. It includes topics such as collective bargaining, unions, and minimum...
This online course explores many aspects of workers´ rights and International Labour Standards.
This online course on HIV and co-infections includes treatment and prevention of HIV; testing of HIV and co-infections; monitoring activities; and more.
This online course teaches the theoretical and applied knowledge on the economics and management of innovation.
Dieser Online-Kurs gibt eine erste Einführung in die Informatik. Erläutert werden u.a. der Aufbau von Computern, Algorithmen und Programme, Programmiersprachen, Betriebssysteme...
Dieser Online-Kurs vermittelt die Grundtechniken wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens, von Zitation bis Datenerhebung.Der Kurs richtet sich vor allem an Studierende. So lernt man...
Dieser Online-Kurs (MOOC) gibt einen Überblick zu EU-Förderprogrammen und erläutert praktische Beispiele für Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten auf regionaler und lokaler Ebene.
Dieser Online-Kurs gibt eine Einführung in die Datenanalyse mit dem Softwareprogramm SPSS.
Dieser Online-Kurs gibt eine Einführung in die deskriptive Statistik. Enthalten sind unter anderem die Grundbegriffe, Maße, Berechnung und Interpretation deskriptiver Statistik.
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