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Comprehensive language course in German. The idea of this course is to learn the language "like a native". This means that the course creates an immersive learning experience...
Free Spanish language app with many short tests to learn "on the go". (Not a video course.)
In this online course, Christina Aguilera teaches the art of singing and various vocal techniques. The course includes more than 20 video lessons and various supplemental...
Comprehensive language course in Dutch. The idea of this course is to learn the language "like a native". This means that the course creates an immersive learning experience...
Free Korean language app with many short tests to learn "on the go". (Not a video course.)
These online lessons explain the basics of anatomy. In addition to the free video lessons, further (paid) trainings are available.
This online course shows how to use IBM's Personality Insights API and interact with Twitter; participants should be familiar with Python for this course.
Comprehensive language course in Swedish. The idea of this course is to learn the language "like a native". This means that the course creates an immersive learning experience...
This series of online courses explores the fundamental building blocks of data science, including statistics, data analysis, data visualization, programming with SQL and Python,...
This series of online courses gives an overview of the fundamentals of programming and computer science. The courses explore what computer science is, how web development works,...
This online course explores the relation between the EU and the UN. It was created by a consortium of eight universities from seven countries, including the London School of...
This online course gives an introduction to TypeScript (a programming language that builds on JavaScript).
This course provides a selection of individual lessons and analyses from experts on the 2020 corona virus outbreak. It includes topics such as an epidemic overview, fatality...
Khan Academy provides various free introductory video lessons on the history of the United States.
In this online course, Usher teaches the art of performing in front of an audience. The course includes ca. 15 video lessons and various supplemental materials.
This online course introduces learners to the Flutter framework with interactive lessons on basic app components.
This online course teaches how to build powerful, dynamic websites and web applications using the popular ASP.NET MVC web framework.
These short online courses provided by Skillshare cover various topics around fine art, including drawing, illustration, sketching, painting, acrylic painting, and watercolor.
Free Polish language app with many short tests to learn "on the go". (Not a video course.)
Comprehensive language course in Hebrew. The idea of this course is to learn the language "like a native". This means that the course creates an immersive learning experience...
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