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This online course gives an overview of Roman Architecture through a series of 23 online lectures. The course provides an introduction to the great buildings and engineering...
This course teaches how to style websites with CSS.
This video lecture gives an introduction to the area of machine learning. Lecture slides are shown together with the lessons.
In this online course, Hans Zimmer teaches the art of composing and telling a story with music. The course includes more than 20 video lessons and various supplemental materials.
This online course gives an introduction to Kotlin, a popular programming language for Android development, web development, and more.
This online course teaches how to design, build and deploy websites from scratch using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Github.
The purpose of this course is to examine the African American experience in the United States from 1863 to the present.
This online video lecture gives an introduction to the philosophy of economics.
This online course teaches how to build web apps with one of the most portable and in-demand programming languages available.
Free Vietnamese language app with many short tests to learn "on the go". (Not a video course.)
This video lecture series provides an introduction to modern cosmology. The first part of the course deals with classical cosmology, and the later part with modern particle...
In "The American Novel Since 1945" students will study a wide range of works from 1945 to the present. The course traces the formal and thematic developments of the novel in...
This online video lecture series gives an introduction to linguistics.
This course teaches how MOS transistors work, and how to model them. The understanding provided in this course is essential not only for device modelers, but also for designers...
In this online course, through scientific presentations, critical reflection and discussion, students learn current state-of-the art topics in the field of Ubiquitous Computing.
This series of online lectures discusses various aspects about religion and interdisciplinary and interreligious academic and social discourse.
In this non-technical online course for a broad audience, the former commander of the International Space Station (ISS) teaches the science of space exploration. It includes...
This online lecture gives an overview of scepticism in the context of Jewish philosophy.
These short online courses provided by Skillshare cover various topics around creative writing, including creative fiction and non-fiction, screenwriting, ebooks, editorial...
Khan Academy provides various free introductory art history video lessons. Topics include prehistoric art, ancient mediterranean art (Egypt, Greece, Rome and others), medieval...
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