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This online lecture discusses aspects of Organizational Psychology.
This online lecture series introduces some of the important model systems studied in contemporary physics, including two-dimensional electron systems, the fine structure of...
This series of lectures gives an introduction to the mechanics of spaceflight.
This online lecture covers major results and directions of research in data structure.
This is an online lecture taking a practical approach to proving problems can't be solved efficiently (in polynomial time and assuming standard complexity-theoretic assumptions...
This online video lecture series gives an introduction to machine learning and pattern recognition.
This online lecture series gives an introduction to Greek history. It traces the development of Greek civilization as manifested in political, intellectual, and creative...
This online lecture explores Science Fiction as a genre.
This course will examine the American Revolution from a broad perspective, tracing the participants' shifting sense of themselves as British subjects, colonial settlers,...
This course offers a series of lectures on parallel programming concepts as well as a group project providing hands-on experience with parallel programming.
The goal of this online lecture is to illustrate the spectroscopy of small molecules in the gas phase.
This course presents the principles of evolution, ecology, and behavior for students beginning their study of biology and of the environment.
This online course gives an introduction to core microeconomic issues in economic development, focusing on both key theoretical contributions and empirical applications to...
This online lecture covers eg.: 1. Direct Methods for linear systems of equations 2. Interpolation 3. Iterative Methods for non-linear systems of equations 4. Krylov methods for...
This online video lecture series explores various topics of robotics.
This online lecture series covers the basic principles of Einstein's general theory of relativity, differential geometry, experimental tests of general relativity, black holes,...
This video lecture gives an introduction to ceramics.
This is an online lecture that introduces students to the complexities of working in small, multidisciplinary teams to develop video games. Students will learn creative design...
This online video lecture series explores various advanced aspects of organic chemistry.
This class is a study of Milton's poetry, with attention paid to his literary sources, his contemporaries, his controversial prose, and his decisive influence on the course of...
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