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This course is an introduction to game theory and strategic thinking. Ideas such as dominance, backward induction, commitment, asymmetric information, and signaling are...
This online lecture is an introduction to the theory that tries to explain how minds are made from collections of simpler processes.
This online lecture course is intended as an introduction to political philosophy as seen through an examination of some of the major texts and thinkers of the Western political...
This online lecture gives an overview of scepticism in the context of Jewish philosophy.
This video lecture gives an introduction to the area of computer games such as Massive Multiplayer Online Games (MMOG). It includes the server architecture for games, game...
This lecture focuses on recent developments in image processing driven by medical applications. All algorithms are motivated by practical problems. The mathematical tools...
This online lecture series gives an introduction to biology. It focuses on the basic principles of biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics, and recombinant DNA. The course...
This course will examine law through case histories including: environmental effects of national security, pesticides, air pollution, consumer products, plastics, parks and...
This online video lecture series gives an introduction to the way computers are build and designed.
This online video lecture series explores the process and status of European Integration within the EU member states and beyond. It includes lectures on many individual EU...
The 16 lectures in this course cover the topics of adaptive antennas and phased arrays.
This video lecture discusses model driven software engineering (theory and tool support).
This online lecture provides an introduction to mathematical modeling of computational problems.
In this online course, through scientific presentations, critical reflection and discussion, students learn current state-of-the art topics in the field of Ubiquitous Computing.
This online lecture series presents the Early Middle Ages in Western European development, from the accession of Diocletian to the feudal transformation. It covers topics such...
This online lecture examines the choices and constraints regarding sources and uses of energy by households, firms, and governments through a number of frameworks to describe...
This online video lecture series gives an introduction to deep learning.
This online video lecture series gives an introduction to Computer Science, Internet technology and the basics of computer hardware (CS105 class at Stanford University). The...
This online video lecture series discusses advanced topics related to algorithms in computer science.
This online course gives an overview of Roman Architecture through a series of 23 online lectures. The course provides an introduction to the great buildings and engineering...
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