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This online course program explores how biological concepts apply to daily life. The program content includes subjects typically covered in introductory biology classes (energy,...
This course explores the physical processes that control Earth's atmosphere, ocean, and climate. It includes topics like: clouds, rain, severe storms, air pollution, ocean...
This online lecture examines the choices and constraints regarding sources and uses of energy by households, firms, and governments through a number of frameworks to describe...
Khan Academy provides various free introductory physics video lessons. Topics include velocity and acceleration, forces and Newton's laws of motion, gravitation, energy,...
This online course explores the development of new energy technologies and key energy challenges.
This online course teaches the science and technology behind nuclear energy and the special features of this energy source.
This online course explores the science behind climate change. It discusses the likely impact of continued greenhouse gas emissions, emphasizing the scientific uncertainties...
This online course gives an introduction to the economics of real-world energy markets, and discusses how various policies can address the impact of rising global energy demand...
This online course is designed to cover all physics and engineering aspects of photovoltaics: photovoltaic energy conversion, technologies and systems.
This online course explores the basics about energy and the environment, including fossil fuels, fracking and nuclear energy.
Mechanics is the study of how things move. It was the first quantitative science to achieve wide power to predict behavior, including things never before directly observed. This...
This online course program explores solar resource assessment and PV solar cell and module design for hot, dusty climates. It discusses the essentials of solar radiation and...
This online course explores how Blockchain works and how it will change the energy sector.The course includes a general Blockchain introduction as well as energy-specific...
This online coures explores the critical energy challenges the world faces and analyzes the political economy of the global energy industry.
The goal of the course is to give students awareness of the largest alternative form of energy and how organic / polymer solar cells can harvest this energy. The course provides...
This online course gives an introduction to smaller off-grid, stand-alone renewable energy systems (it does not include a discussion of larger industrial systems). It includes...
This online course explores various topics related to solid fuels like coal, biomass, waste etc.. This includes advanced fuel and ash analysis as well as the processes of...
Through this course, participants will learn about: MOSFET large signal and small signal analysis; amplifiers; energy storage elements like capacitors and inductors; and...
This course gives an overview of selected geological topics, discusses how earthquakes, volcanoes, minerals and rocks, energy, and plate tectonics have interacted over deep time...
This course focuses on three particularly interesting areas of astronomy that are advancing very rapidly: Extra-Solar Planets, Black Holes, and Dark Energy. The course explores...
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