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This online course teaches the key concepts of accounting, finance, financial modeling and valuation from scratch.It includes topics such as:Analyzing income statements and cash...
This online course program explores the fundamentals and technical skills in financial engineering. It includes valuing options, swaps, forwards, futures, and other complex...
This online course provides an exploration of Spain depicted in Cervante’s historic novel, Don Quixote – a Golden Age in which Spanish arts and literature reached worldwide...
This course is designed to be a complete online Financial Analyst Training Program boot camp. It includes more than 20 hours of video lectures in many important topics such as...
This series of online courses (MOOCs) gives an introduction to data analysis for business intelligence purposes.The course series includes modules on Microsoft Excel,...
This online course from Harvard Business School Online shows how to use descriptive statistics, regression analysis, and analytical techniques in Excel to be able to apply...
This online course program gives an introduction to data analysis. It includes working with a variety of data sources, project scenarios, and data analysis tools, including...
This course teaches the concepts and mathematical methods behind the most powerful and universal metrics used by Data Scientists to evaluate the uncertainty-reduction – or...
This course teaches how to achieve consistent and excellent results in all aspects of dental photography.
This online course program aims to teach learners the skills required for an entry level data analyst role. It includes a variety of data sources, project scenarios, and data...
This online course program gives an introduction to financial accounting. Learners will practice completing each step of the accounting cycle with Microsoft Excel, from...
This online course bridges accountancy to analytics. It is designed to help accounting students develop an analytical mindset and prepare them to use tools and programming...
This online course covers topics such as linear regression, applications of linear regression to model various business and financial contexts, and model development.
This online course teaches Excel VBA from scratch to create powerful programs within the Excel environment.
This online course teaches key skills in company valuation using Excel. A main focus of the course is on creating financial models, including a discounted cash flow (DCF)...
This MOOC teaches some advanced Excel skills - including index formulas, logical text and nested functions. It also explores data connections to external databases, and Visual...
Führen Sie ein Kassen- oder Haushaltsbuch in Excel. So haben Sie Ihre Einnahmen und Ausgaben immer im Blick.
Dieser Online-Kurs gibt eine Einführung in Office 2019 und 365. Enthalten sind die wichtigsten Funktionen sowie praktische Tipps für die tägliche Büro-Arbeit mit den...
Versehen Sie Ihr individuelles Rechnungsformular mit automatischen Weiterverarbeitungsmöglichkeiten, um sich so viel Arbeit zu ersparen. VBA-Vorkenntnisse sind nicht nötig.
Steigen Sie in die Automatisierung und Programmierung von Excel ein. Mithilfe des Makrorekorders zeichnen Sie wiederkehrende Programmabläufe auf und bearbeiten sie dann weiter.
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