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This online course gives an introduction to inferential statistics. It teaches the basic concepts used to draw conclusions from data that might not be immediately obvious. The...
This course is an introduction to probabilistic models, including random processes and the basic elements of statistical inference.
This course is an introduction to inferential statistics, which are concerned with making inferences based on relations found in the sample, to relations in the population....
This MOOC introduces the Bayesian approach to statistics, starting with the concept of probability and moving to the analysis of data.
This online course presents basic concepts from statistics, probability, scientific methodology, cognitive psychology and cost-benefit theory and shows how they can be applied...
This online course explores the fundamental principles underpinning statistics. It is aimed at those with some prior knowledge of statistics and covers topics such as parametric...
This online course gives an introduction to statistics, i.e. objective and systematic methods for describing and interpreting information.It includes topics such as:Describing...
This online course series explores the fundamental mathematics toolkit of machine learning and data science. It includes modules on linear algebra, calculus and...
This online course provides a mathematically rigorous framework to understand financial markets. The course is delivered with data-driven insights from MIT professors and...
This online course (MOOC) teaches the basics of statistics.It includes the following topics :Descriptive statistics, i.e. how to describe data: central tendency (mean, median),...
This online course gives an introduction to descriptive statistics. It teaches the basic concepts used to describe data. (Note: There is a further course by Udacity teaching...
This online course program gives an introduction to marketing analytics. It includes topics such as the basics of marketing analytics, data analytics, statistics for marketing,...
This online course will provide participants with an intuitive introduction to Statistics and Probability Theory.The course includes fundamental concepts such as probability,...
This online course gives an introduction to data and their analysis and interpretation.
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