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This online course explores how to manage high shares of variable renewable electricity sources to achieve cost-effective and reliable electricity supplies.
Khan Academy provides various free introductory biology video lessons. Topics include acids and bases, properties of carbon, macromolecules, energy / metabolism, enzymes, cell...
This online course program explores solar resource assessment and PV solar cell and module design for hot, dusty climates. It discusses the essentials of solar radiation and...
This course gives an introduction to physics. Topics include motion, forces, gravitation, energy and momentum, rotation, harmonic motion, and an introduction to electric charge...
This online course explores the basics about energy and the environment, including fossil fuels, fracking and nuclear energy.
Khan Academy provides various free introductory physics video lessons. Topics include velocity and acceleration, forces and Newton's laws of motion, gravitation, energy,...
This online course covers design of photovoltaic systems, such as utility scale solar farms or residential scale systems (on/off the grid).
This online course explores how humans and other living things obtain and use their biological energy sources.
This online course explores important renewable energy technologies such as wind and solar, as well as important energy storage technologies such as pumped hydro, batteries, and...
This online course gives an introduction to thermodynamics.The course explores how to characterize the energy state of a system and the mechanisms for transferring energy from...
This online course gives an introduction to mechanics. The course includes the fundamentals topics of a standard first-semester university physics course and includes...
This online course program explores the energy supply in buildings and how to increase energy efficiency. It also discusses energy demand and supply as well as thermal comfort...
This online course program explores the fundamentals of smart grids. The courses include topics such as the impact of variable renewable energy sources, optimal power flow...
This online course gives an introduction to biology. It includes topics such as cell structures, energy transfer, DNA, and heredity.
This online course teaches Reiki, a method of energy healing that has been used to heal emotional, physical and energetic imbalances. It includes the history and basic workings...
This online course (MOOC) gives an introduction to environmental science. The course explores topics such as:What environmental science is and why energy is an important...
Dieser Online-Kurs enthält eine Einführung in den Glucose- und Fettstoffwechsel.
Diese Reihe von Videovorlesungen behandelt verschiedene Aspekte der Experimentalphysik. Enthalten sind Unterkapitel über physikalische Einheiten, Bewegung, Dynamik,...
Diese Online-Vorlesung erläutert fortgeschrittene Aspekte der Kosmologie, v.a. die Dunkle Energie.
Diese Online-Vorlesung erläutert umfassend die Physik der Energiegewinnung. Enthalten sind u.a. diverse Grundlagen, die verschiedenen Erscheinungsformen von Energie, Chemische...
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