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Transparenzhinweis: Einige Kursanbieter unterstützen den Betrieb unseres Suchportals durch Kursbuchungs-Provisionen.


This course explores how financial statement data and non-financial metrics can be linked to financial performance. In this course students will learn how data is used to assess what drives financial performance and to forecast future financial scenarios.

University of Pennsylvania

Dozent: Professor Brian J Bushee
Bereitgestellt von: Coursera
Kurssprache: Englisch
Kosten: kostenlos
Level: Vorkenntnisse
Zertifikat erhältlich? (Gebühr)
Format: MOOC/Online-Kurs
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Transparenzhinweis: Einige Kursanbieter unterstützen den Betrieb unseres Suchportals durch Kursbuchungs-Provisionen.
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Nutzerkommentare 1

A user comments: "It's a great course, I would give it 10 stars if that would be possible. Much better than other accounting online courses, because it actually covered some new topics even though I have prior accounting experience. The first 2 weeks cover earnings management (i.e. how may companies manipulate their earnings and costs) to show better profitability. The third week shows some statistical models that can be used to discover potential earnings management with statistical tools. The fourth week covers a slighty different topic: How can non-financial measures (such as customer satisfaction or employee turnover) be linked to financial performance. This again is basically done with statistical analysis."

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Weitere Kurse des Fachgebiets Wirtschaft, Finanzen