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Participants of this online course will gain the knowledge and the confidence that will help them make good choices as they consider qualities of the camera they own, and the qualities of the other types of digital cameras they might be considering. Participants will learn about the basic functions that most digital cameras have in common. They will also go beyond the "technical" matters and learn about how they can make exciting pictures by emphasizing the aspects of Frame and Vantage Point to interpret old subjects in new ways.

Michigan State University

Dozent: Professor Peter Glendinning
Bereitgestellt von: Coursera
Kurssprache: Englisch
Kosten: kostenlos
Level: Anfänger
Zertifikat erhältlich? (Gebühr)
Format: MOOC/Online-Kurs
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Transparenzhinweis: Einige Kursanbieter unterstützen den Betrieb unseres Suchportals durch Kursbuchungs-Provisionen.
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