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This online course program gives a comprehensive introduction to Deep Learning

Deep Learning (part of Machine Learning) is one of the most important building blocks of modern Artificial Intelligence technology.

The program is one of the most popular online course series in AI and already has hundreds of thousands of enrolled learners!

It is taught by Professor Andrew Ng, who is a leading expert in this field (with a track record at Stanford, Google, Baidu).

Check out all of the details on the course website now!

Dozent: Professor Andrew Ng
Bereitgestellt von: Coursera
Kurssprache: Englisch
Kosten: Ja (siehe Anbieterseite)
Level: Vorkenntnisse
Zertifikat erhältlich? (Gebühr)
Format: Online-Studium
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Weitere Kurse des Fachgebiets Informatik, EDV