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Chemie: Einführung Chemie (+Gratis-Lehrbuch)

General Chemistry

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Anbieter: Coursera


This online video course gives an introduction to Chemistry. The course language is English, German subtitles are available.

Topics include:

  • atoms
  • electrons
  • molecules
  • bonding
  • chemical reactions and energy
  • phase transitions
  • kinetics
  • thermodynamics
  • and many more

The course is designed to cover a two semester Chemistry courseIt also includes access to a free online text bookThe instructor is an experienced professor of ChemistryMore than 70,000 students have already joined the course.

Check out all the details on the course website now!

Rice University

Dozent: Professor John Hutchinson
Bereitgestellt von: Coursera
Kurssprache: Englisch
Kosten: Ja (siehe Anbieterseite)
Level: Anfänger
Zertifikat erhältlich? (Gebühr)
Format: MOOC/Online-Kurs
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Weitere Kurse des Fachgebiets Chemie