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Psychologie: Psychologie-Grundlagen, Einführung Psychologie

Introduction to Psychology

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Anbieter: Coursera
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This online course (MOOC) gives an introduction to Psychology

It includes the following key topics:

  • The science of psychology
  • The brain
  • Sensation, perception, attention and awareness
  • Learning
  • Memory
  • Social psychology
  • Mental illness

The instructor of the course is an award-winning professor of Psychology at the University of Toronto.

University of Toronto

Dozent: Professor Steve Joordens
Bereitgestellt von: Coursera
Kurssprache: Englisch
Kosten: kostenlos
Level: Anfänger
Zertifikat erhältlich? (Gebühr)
Format: MOOC/Online-Kurs
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Transparenzhinweis: Einige Kursanbieter unterstützen den Betrieb unseres Suchportals durch Kursbuchungs-Provisionen.
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Nutzerkommentare 2

Really good course, the professor really makes an effort to explain the key concepts in a way that motivates you to listen. I recommend to take notes. It seems to be not a difficult topic overall, but the course quickly introduces quite a lot of ideas and concepts, so better to go back and review your notes before the next module.

Very good!!

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