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Anbieter: mooin/oncampus
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This online course (MOOC) gives an introduction to production technologies and processes. It includes topics such as Primary Shaping, Forming, Separation, Joining, and Coating.


Bereitgestellt von: mooin/oncampus
Kurssprache: Englisch
Kosten: kostenlos
Level: Anfänger
Zertifikat erhältlich? (Gebühr)
Format: MOOC/Online-Kurs
Weiter zum Online-Kurs
Transparenzhinweis: Einige Kursanbieter unterstützen den Betrieb unseres Suchportals durch Kursbuchungs-Provisionen.
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Nutzerkommentare 2

interesting topic, but rather boring presentation...

The content selection is very good, but the learning materials are plagued by a lot of typos, wrong translations from the German language, and a very odd way to describe the topics (e.g. long description of very easy concepts and short description of complicate ones, which forces you to go to Wikipedia quite often). Moreover, the exercises are often given too early, i.e. before the topic is presented, or on topics that are not discussed at all. It seems that this course was written and then never checked. In German you'd say "Schade"... a pity that this course was not developed well, given the good basis.

Wie gefällt Dir der Kurs 'Manufacturing engineering'?

Weitere Kurse des Fachgebiets Ingenieurwissenschaften, Technik