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This online course explores ancient Chinese philosophy and ethics, including Confucianism and Daoism. It also discusses how this might challenge Western assumptions of what it means to be happy and live a meaningful life.

Harvard University

Dozent: Professor Michael Puett
Bereitgestellt von: edX
Kurssprache: Englisch
Kosten: kostenlos
Level: Anfänger
Zertifikat erhältlich? (Gebühr)
Format: MOOC/Online-Kurs
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Transparenzhinweis: Einige Kursanbieter unterstützen den Betrieb unseres Suchportals durch Kursbuchungs-Provisionen.
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Nutzerkommentare 1

Awesome course, highly recommended! I think it is so valuable that an institution like Harvard puts up a course like this on the internet, basically for free. It is a great introduction to key chinese philosophers and their teachings (Confucius, Laozi and others). Great professor who puts everything into a language you can understand even if you have no background in philosophy. I am now halfway through the course and really look forward to the rest. And it is free to listent to the lectures and do some of the exercises, so in my view that is absolutely sufficient, no need to buy the rest of the exercises (unless you really want to get a certificate for the course).

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