In the field of high-quality online courses, there are many course packages that teach many details on a specific topic. (In our directory, you can find all 150+ course series here.)
Course Series with Certificate
The course series consist of a sequence of 3-5 individual video courses (MOOCs, massive open online courses).
They are complemented by online assignments, tests and projects and conclude with a certificate from the respective course provider.
Find below an overview of seven current high-quality online course series!
7 Course Series from 7 Subjects
A comprehensive introduction to the field of "Positive Psychology" is given by a new course series from the University of Pennsylvania via Coursera. The lecturer, Professor Seligman, is frequently referred to as the "father of Positive Psychology."
Online Marketing
The key foundations of Digital Marketing are explored in this new course package from Udacity (content marketing, social media, SEO, Google Adwords, email marketing and more). Experts from Google and Facebook have been involved in creating the course content!
Intro video for the Digital Marketing course series
Almost a classic is the "Leading People and Teams" specialization at Coursera, which is just starting again. Learn everything about motivation, leadership and talent management in 5 online courses.
An experienced computer science professor at Stanford explains the fundamental concepts on algorithms in computer programming. (For this course series, participants should already have basic coding skills.)
In this course series, financial experts of the University of Geneva/Switzerland teach everything about investment strategies, financial markets and portfolio management. The series is supported by professionals from Swiss bank UBS.
Brain Research
The University of Birmingham (via UK course platform FutureLearn) explains the functionality of the human brain in this course series. In addition to the foundations, the effects of drugs and Parkinson's disease are explored.
This course series at the MOOC platform edX introduces the exciting field of Robotics. How are robots built and how are they used? This (quite demanding) video course series explains the details.
Please note:
Edukatico is your Search Portal for Online Courses
In our course directory, we list thousands of video-based online courses, MOOCs and online lectures from 22 subject areas.
You can find the course series from large MOOC platforms here.
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