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Business, Management, Economics: introduction to financial markets, finance

Financial Markets

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Provider: Coursera
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In this online course, Professor Robert Shiller (Nobel Prize winner) gives an introduction to financial markets.

The course includes the following topics:

  • Efficient markets and behavioral finance
  • Portfolio diversification and risk management
  • Equity, debt and leverage
  • Real estate, regulation
  • Investment banking
  • Financial derivatives and options
  • Monetary policy and central banks
  • Financial institutions (including exchanges, banks, brokers)

Yale University

Instructor: Professor Robert Shiller
Provided by: Coursera
Course language: English
Fees: free course
Level: beginner
Certificate available? (fee)
Format: MOOC/online course
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User comments 2

Ein Nutzer kommentierte: "The course content is very good and is appropriate for the unit where I am at the Bank. "

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Ein Nutzer kommentierte: "Since my inclination and long term goal associates with corporate sector, it will be proven beneficial in building my knowledge."

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