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This online course (MOOC) analyzes various aspects of terrorism.

The course explores topics such as:

  • The nuances involved in defining terrorism,
  • The nature of Al Qaeda, Hamas, the Islamic State, and other important groups,
  • The effectiveness of different counterterrorism tools like detention and military force,
  • Linkages (or the lack thereof) between terrorism and world religions like Islam,
  • Terrorist recruiting,
  • Counterterrorism and the rule of law,
  • The political context in South Asia and the Middle East, and
  • The terrorist use of technology.

Professor Byman served as a member of the "9/11 Commission", exploring terrorist attacks in the United States.

Georgetown University

Instructor: Daniel Byman
Provided by: edX
Course language: English
Fees: free course
Level: beginner
Certificate available? (fee)
Format: MOOC/online course
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