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This course covers the basics of hotel demand management, distribution, and revenue management.
This online course shows how to work with big data and build machine learning models at scale using Spark.
This series of online courses explores the key concepts and applications of Deep Learning, including various kinds of neural networks for supervised and unsupervised learning....
This online course teaches about the contracts and documents needed for a project, rating agencies, and the loan syndication process.
This MOOC discusses the modeling and management of large amounts of data. It explores big data management systems.
Khan Academy provides various free introductory chemistry video lessons. Topics include atoms and compounds, chemical reactions, the periodic table, chemical bonds,...
This course offers an introduction to credit risk modelling and hedging. Students will approach credit risk from the point of view of banks, but most of the tools and models...
This online course explores global trends, their effects on consumer and labor markets, financial systems, and the business world. It includes aspects such as demographics,...
This online course shows how to solve partial differential equations with numerical methods and Python. The methods shown in this course are used in engineering, natural...
This online coures teaches how to forecast macroeconomic accounts and design an economic program for a case study country.
This course provides the technical skills needed to analyze financial statements and disclosures for use in financial analysis, and teaches how accounting standards and...
This online course program explores how current technologies are changing industry and how to create a strategy to transform a business. It also covers the three technologies...
This online course program is designed to help Scrum beginners learn the foundational knowledge to become proficient with Agile Scrum. The courses include managing tasks and...
This online course explores the definition and impact of superfoods. It covers superfoods such as goji berries, quinoa, amaranth and green tea and discusses their biological,...
This online course gives an introduction to HR administration. It includes fundamental concepts such as motivation, group behavior, and organization. It also covers topics such...
This online course explores the global health harms caused by tobacco and the role played by public health research in improving health.
This online course gives an introduction to vaccinology. It covers infectious diseases, the history of vaccines, the different types of immunity and how vaccines trigger...
This online course shows how to convert PSD to responsive parallax HTML. It also teaches things like hover effects and CSS animation.
This MOOC gives participants an introduction to design, spanning all domains of design: including architecture, graphics, services, apparel, engineered goods, and products.
This online course shows about 50 photography tips for taking photos with DSLR, mirrorless or compact cameras.
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