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This online lecture gives an introduction to the concepts of machine learning. (Some math and programming experience required.)
This online lecture series explores how algorithmic puzzles can be solved with computer programming, using the Python programming language.
This course will examine law through case histories including: environmental effects of national security, pesticides, air pollution, consumer products, plastics, parks and...
This online video lecture series gives an introduction to deep learning.
This online video lecture series explores potential manipulation and misinterpretation of data.
This online lecture covers the Internet of Things (IoT), which basically means that virtually every thing can also feature tiny computers that are connected to the Internet.
This online lecture discusses various aspects around internet security. After a brief introduction to the structure of the internet, problems such as hackers and viruses, the...
This online lecture gives an overview of Social Psychology, i.e. the behaviour of people in groups.
This online lecture is an introduction to the dynamics and vibrations of lumped-parameter models of mechanical systems. Topics covered include kinematics, force-momentum...
This online lecture series gives an introduction to political theory.
This online course gives an overview of Roman Architecture through a series of 23 online lectures. The course provides an introduction to the great buildings and engineering...
This online lecture is an introduction to several fundamental ideas in electrical engineering and computer science, using digital communication systems as the vehicle.
This course presents the principles of evolution, ecology, and behavior for students beginning their study of biology and of the environment.
This online lecture gives an introduction to computer architecture. It explores in great detail how computers are designed.
This course examines the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) as an expression of the religious life and thought of ancient Israel, and a foundational document of Western civilization....
This course covers the body of modern poetry, its characteristic techniques, concerns, and major practitioners. The authors discussed range from Yeats, Eliot, and Pound, to...
This online lecture gives an introduction to Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), combining cyber capabilities (computation and/or communication) with physical capabilities (motion or...
This online course discusses numerical methods for Partial Differential Equations (PDE).
This survey course introduces students to the important and basic material on human fertility, population growth, the demographic transition and population policy.
This online lecture series explores efforts by linguists and educators to make their research more inclusive, accessible and hospitable.
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