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This online course program gives an overview of how to successfully manage construction projects. It includes topics such as general contracting, construction management,...
This online course focuses on time value of money, the definition and calculation of the types of interest rates, and the importance of Cash Flow Diagrams.
This online course introduces the types of cost estimation from the conceptual design phase through the more detailed design phase of a construction project. In addition, the...
This online course helps learners to discover the key project scheduling techniques and procedures including; how to create a network diagram, how to define the importance of...
This series of MOOCs teaches participants about construction project management.The courses include the planning, coordinating, and building of a project from conception to...
This online course gives an introduction to project management for large engineering and infrastructure projects.
This online course focuses on Project Initiation and Planning. It also helps to learn about the importance of project planning and scheduling and an opportunity to develop a...
Dieser Online-Kurs richtet sich an Verantwortliche für Bauprojekte, wie Geschäftsführer, Projekt- und Bauleiter, Ingenieure, Architekten und externe Berater. Er richtet sich...
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