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This online course (MOOC) explores history through a journey of 13.8 billion years starting at the Big Bang and travelling through time all the way to the future. The course...
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This online course helps to understand the evolution of Alzheimer’s Disease through a molecular and genetic perspective and the contribution of a biological approach to the...
Palaeontology: Theropod Dinosaurs and the Origin of Birds is a five-lesson course teaching a comprehensive overview of the origins of birds. This course examines the anatomy,...
This online course explores the history, evolution, and basic concepts of blockchain. The course was designed for accountants and auditors.
This online course gives an overview of the principles behind genetics and evolution. Topics include:The concept of and evidence for evolutionBasic transmission genetics and...
This online course (MOOC) gives an introduction to astrobiology. It discusses the origin and evolution of life and the search for life beyond the earth (extraterrestrial...
This course gives an understanding of the fundamental concepts of genomics and biotechnology, and their implications for human biology, evolution, medicine, social policy and...
Khan Academy provides various free introductory biology video lessons. Topics include acids and bases, properties of carbon, macromolecules, energy / metabolism, enzymes, cell...
This online lecture series discusses the evolution and role of urban public transportation modes, systems, and services, focusing on bus and rail. It covers various topics,...
This course is Part 5 of the AP Biology series, designed to help students prepare for the AP Biology exam. In this special Review and Exam Preparation Course, participants will...
This online course explores the idea that the process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life.
This online video lecture explores the evolution of capitalism.The course seeks to interpret capitalism using ideas from biological evolution: Firms pursuing varied strategies...
This online course explores the relationship between science and religion, including topics such as the "evolution" vs. "creation" debate.
This online course program explores how biological concepts apply to daily life. The program content includes subjects typically covered in introductory biology classes (energy,...
This online course has lectures which cover commercial and emerging photovoltaic technologies and cross-cutting themes, including conversion efficiencies, loss mechanisms,...
This online course program explores the evolution of ideas about the nature of reality in philosophy and the natural sciences through the ages. It starts with the philosophers...
This course presents the principles of evolution, ecology, and behavior for students beginning their study of biology and of the environment.
This online course (MOOC) gives participants an understanding of evolution and its formative power.The course discusses topics such as biodiversity, evolutionary processes and...
This online course explores the diversity of life on earth and the impacts of five past mass extinctions.
This course will provide an overview of human evolutionary history from the present--contemporary human variation in a comparative context--through our last common ancestor with...
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