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This online course shows how to maximizing your brain's health and fitness. It includes lessons on nutrition, excercise, sleep, and meditation.
In this online course, the world´s #1 women´s tennis player Serena Williams teaches everything from core techniques to fitness drills and improving the mental game. The course...
This online course series explores the science behind dietary interventions and exercise strategies for optimal fitness programming. It shows how the combination of diet and...
This online course explores the basic science of cardio fitness and strength-building, including practical tools and techniques.
This online course program gives an introduction to product management. Several individual online courses cover topics such as targeting customers, understanding user experience...
This online course gives an introduction to the scientific basis of improving human fitness. It examines aspects such as how fitness is assessed, monitored, optimised and...
This online course teaches key fitness, nutritional and recovery routines as well as workouts.
This online course teaches how to evaluate own strategy, as well as how to locate sources of potential competitive advantage from a perspective that encompasses the internal,...
In Leaders of Learning, students will identify and develop their personal theory of learning, and explore how it fits into the shifting landscape of learning. This isn't just...
This health online course will show participants why exercise is a fundamental component of a healthy lifestyle. It also teaches the basic and advanced principles of body...
This online course (MOOC) explores the basics of exercise physiology. It includes nutritional considerations, causes of muscle soreness and the effectiveness of performance...
Dieser Kurs beinhaltet zwei Pilates-Videos, ein Yoga-Video und ein Stretching-Video, die helfen Stress nachhaltig abzubauen und das Wohlbefinden verbessern.
Dieser Online-Kurs erläutert die Inhalte für die Fitnesstrainer A-Lizenz.
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Dieser Kurs beinhaltet sowohl verschiedenste Muskelaufbau- und Kräftigungsübungen als auch Elemente aus Yoga- und Dehnübungen, um die Flexibilität des Rückens zu verbessern.
Dieser Online-Kurs stellt verschiedene Fitness-Intensivtrainings vor.Enthalten sind u.a.:Aerobic, Bauch-Beine-Po-Training, Bodyforming und Ganzkörperkrafttraining, Rücken- und...
Dieser Kurs beinhaltet Fitnessvideos, mit denen alle Muskelpartien des Körpers trainiert sowie mit gezielten Übungen aktiviert und gedehnt werden.
Dieser Kurs ist ein Kombination aus Ausdauer- und Kraftsport um abzunehmen.
Dieser Online-Kurs enthält mathematische Kenntnisse, die in verschiedenen Fächern an der Universität oder Hochschule gebraucht werden. Behandelt werden unter anderem...
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