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This online course explores the fundamental concepts of critical thinking. This includes logic, argument analysis, rhetoric, reasoning with probabilities, the importance of...
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In this online course (MOOC), participants will learn what an argument is. The definition of argument will enable students to identify when speakers are giving arguments and...
This online course gives an introduction to logic for beginners. It includes formal logic as a tool to clarify arguments, premises and conclusions, applying key concepts of...
In this online course, participants will learn what distinguishes inductive arguments from deductive arguments and then how to analyze and assess five common forms of inductive...
In this online course, participants will learn about fallacies. Fallacies are arguments that suffer from one or more common but avoidable defects: equivocation, circularity,...
In this online course, participants will learn how to evaluate deductive arguments for validity. In particular, they will learn new ways of representing the information that is...
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