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This online course gives an introduction to thermodynamics.The course explores how to characterize the energy state of a system and the mechanisms for transferring energy from...
This online lecture provides an introduction to the chemistry of biological, inorganic, and organic molecules.The emphasis is on basic principles of atomic and molecular...
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This online lecture deals primarily with equilibrium properties of macroscopic systems, basic thermodynamics, chemical equilibrium of reactions in gas and solution phase, and...
This introductory physical chemistry course examines the connections between molecular properties and the behavior of macroscopic chemical systems.
Basic principles of Statistical Mechanics are examined in this online lecture. Topics include: Thermodynamics, probability theory, kinetic theory, classical statistical...
This online course (MOOC) gives an introduction to chemistry on the level of an advanced high school chemistry class.It covers topics such as:Chemical kinetics,Chemical...
This online course (MOOC) covers the topics of a full year, two semester General Chemistry course. It includes an overview of atoms, electrons, and molecules, bonding, chemical...
Khan Academy provides various free introductory physics video lessons. Topics include velocity and acceleration, forces and Newton's laws of motion, gravitation, energy,...
This course covers the key concepts of three of the principal topics in first-year undergraduate physical chemistry: thermodynamics, kinetics and quantum mechanics. These three...
This online lecture by Yale University provides an introduction to the principles and methods of physics.The course covers Newtonian mechanics, special relativity, gravitation,...
The online course begins with an overview of vectors and tensors. It then proceeds through fundamental concepts of motion, balance laws, constitutive relations and thermodynamics.
This online course program explores statistical thermodynamics and was designed for learners working in advanced fields such as combustion, high temperature gas dynamics,...
This online course teaches about fluids and thermodynamics.
This MOOC covers basic chemistry topics (part 1). It includes the first part of topics like modern atomic theory, periodic table and trends, stoichiometry, bonding, molecular...
This course (part 2) covers further basic chemistry topics. It includes the rest of selected topics like modern atomic theory, periodic table and trends, stoichiometry, bonding,...
Basic principles of statistical mechanics are examined in this online lecture, such as the laws of thermodynamics and the concepts of temperature, work, heat, and entropy....
This is a basic course in thermodynamics, designed for students of mechanical engineering. They will study the terms and concepts used in thermodynamics, with precise definitions.
This course will develop a molecular-level understanding of key thermodynamic quantities like heat, work, free energy and entropy. These concepts will be applied in...
Diese Online-Vorlesung erläutert die Thermodynamik und statistische Physik.
Die Vorlesung beschäftigt sich mit der statistischen Physik und Thermodynamik.
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