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Forget boring e-learning courses. MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are the modern form of digital education.
So what exactly is a MOOC?
We think that definitions and acronyms are not really relevant. Let´s just look at how a MOOC works in practice.
The Modern Form of Online Courses!
A MOOC is:
Usually, the learning content is created by a university or other educational institution and is offered via a MOOC platform. Coursera, edX, and FutureLearn, the leading MOOC platforms, have more than 50 million users worldwide!
And hundreds of universities are producing new MOOCs every year, leading to a steady increase in the number of these online courses.
(Check out all MOOCs in our course directory!)
Higher Education, Job Skills and Lifelong Learning
MOOCs are available on many topics. Therefore, they are suitable for different types of learners:
Actually, the distinction between education for students and professional training is becoming less important. After all, the concept of lifelong learning requires people to continuously learn about their areas of interest. With MOOCs, this is easily possible.
Interactive Video Learning with Friends from Around the World
A core element of MOOCs are the video lessons. With these videos (usually 5-10 minutes long), you will be taught the content over a period of several weeks.
An important feature of MOOCs is that they’re interactive, which separates them from other formats like university video lectures. There are discussion forums that accompany the MOOC. Here, you can ask questions about the course, or you can help other learners by answering their questions. Quite often, the professors or their assistants are active in the forums as well.
With a MOOC, you will become part of a global learning community. With a highly popular MOOC from Harvard University, for instance, over 1 million participants worldwide have already been able to learn about computer science!
Every Country, Except for North Korea…
With English-speaking MOOCs, your fellow online students are scattered around the world. The platform edX for instance reported that they teach participants from “every country except for North Korea”.
Your learning community could look like this:
Participating in a MOOC is usually completely free of charge (except for the optional certificates)!
Take Tests Online and Receive Certificates
Most MOOCs have integrated test questions. The video sequences are mixed with short multiple choice questions, so you are encouraged to always keep on top of the learning material. If there is something you didn’t understand, you can just rewatch the video or ask a question in the forum.
After finishing the MOOC, you have the option of taking a final exam to earn a certificate or statement of participation. These optional certificates usually need to be purchased. But you can show them in your LinkedIn profile ("Are the Certificates Wort It?").
Details about the course structure are shown on the website of the course provider. If you’re only accessing the learning content, it is usually free (more about free courses here).
MOOC Weakness: Motivate Yourself to Learn?
Two aspects of MOOCs are sometimes criticized:
# 1:
The dropout rates for MOOCs compared to classroom-based learning are high. Often, less than 10% of registered participants complete a MOOC.
--> However, a free MOOC is often just tested out. Many learners register without planning to complete it. That’s why the cancellation rates can sometimes look excessively high.
# 2:
Your MOOC learning is very flexible (time, place, speed of learning). However, MOOC participants usually learn by themselves. The lack of meeting other learners is therefore another challenge.
--> This is actually a simple trade-off. Do I want to be flexible and learn online or sit in a class room with a fixed schedule, but with more social interaction?
--> Note that interactivity is still possible for digital learners by using discussion forums. You can also combine online learning with an offline discussion (blended learning).
Intro video to Harvard's CS50 MOOC
The Best Tips for MOOC Beginners
Whether it‘s a MOOC, xMOOC, cMOOC or any other acronym used by the experts, you will simply get a great chance to learn with premium content from top universities around the world.
So what´s the best way to start out as a MOOC beginner? Check out the 5 most important tips here.
Or jump directly to more than 8,000 online courses in our directory!
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