Frequently it is a matter of dispute which programming language you should learn first. Everyone has their own preferences and popularities are always changing.
But one thing is clear: Some classics among the programming languages consistently rank high.
Among the most popular programming languages are Java, C, C++, C#, Python, PHP, JavaScript, SQL, and Ruby. Click here for a current ranking.
In addition to the programming languages there is HTML for the creation of websites. (Jump directly to the HTML courses in our directory.)
Below you find 20 online courses and MOOCs about all relevant coding languages. The courses are in English. Most courses are available free of charge. You can purchase a certificate.
A quick note for beginners: What is programming?
If you are absolutely new to coding, this free online course by Khan Academy will give you a first impression of coding.
You get a quick overview about the most popular programming languages in this short video.
Language 1: Java
Java is a platform independent language that is used for computer programs, backend of websites, android apps, and game programming with LibGDX. It belongs to the standard syllabus of computer study degrees.
Language 2: Python
It is a versatile, dynamic language which is often used as a script language. Python is frequently used for the backend of websites and increasingly plays a role in data science. It is used by many beginners as an entry into programming.
Language 3: C
A very common language with many areas of application. Among others in the system programming for operating systems and in industry. It is the basis for various other programming languages.
Language 4: C++
An extension of the language C (classes and objects), use in system programming and application programming.
C# (a further development of C++) is an object-oriented programming language for many coding applications. It is also used in game development with the Unity Engine and app development with android and iOS with Xamarin.
There are other programming languages apart from those already discussed, for example Visual Basic (VBA), R, Kotlin (for Android), Swift (for iOS), Perl, Matlab, or others.
You find the corresponding online courses by using the search field in our directory.
Things to Consider When Selecting Courses
The order in which we presented the above online courses does not imply any rank ordering. Preferably, you compare multiple courses for your purpose.
Key criteria are:
Often, there are free previews on the course websites so that you can gain an impression of the lecturers and the teaching style.
You can pose your questions about individual programming languages in online discussion forums such as Quora.
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