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The online lecture serves as an introduction to the theory and practice behind many of today's communications systems.
This online lecture gives an introduction to Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), combining cyber capabilities (computation and/or communication) with physical capabilities (motion or...
This online course is an in-depth series of videos about differential equations and the MATLAB® ODE suite. These videos are suitable for students and life-long learners.
This online lecture covers the derivation of symmetry theory; lattices, point groups, space groups, and their properties; use of symmetry in tensor representation of crystal...
This online lecture emphasizes dynamic models of growth and development. Topics covered include: migration, modernization, and technological change; static and dynamic models of...
This video lecture series gives an introduction to neural networks and deep learning. It covers topics such as backpropagation, loss functions and optimization strategies,...
This online course explores what cities and users can do to reduce their energy use and carbon emissions.
This course offers a series of lectures on parallel programming concepts as well as a group project providing hands-on experience with parallel programming.
This online lecture series presents the theory of fundamental machine learning concepts. Topics covered in the video lectures include: Bayesian theory of optimal decisions...
This is a continuation of Freshman Organic Chemistry I, the introductory video lecture on current theories of structure and mechanism in organic chemistry for students with...
This online lecture gives an introduction to basic aspects of physics (mechanics, electricity etc.).
This online lecture explores the basics of digital circuits.
Topics covered in this online lecture (part 2) include the general formalism of quantum mechanics, harmonic oscillator, quantum mechanics in three-dimensions, angular momentum,...
This online lecture explores statistical modeling and control in manufacturing processes.
This course covers modeling, analysis, and design of distributed control systems. Distributed control systems include large-scale physical systems, engineered multi-agent...
This online lecture series reviews linear algebra with applications to probability and statistics and optimization. It covers linear algebra concepts that are key for...
This online lecture focuses on the equations and techniques most useful in science and engineering.
This online lecture covers eg.: 1. Direct Methods for linear systems of equations 2. Interpolation 3. Iterative Methods for non-linear systems of equations 4. Krylov methods for...
This string theory lecture focuses on holographic duality (also known as gauge / gravity duality or AdS / CFT) as a novel method of approaching and connecting a range of diverse...
This online lecture series gives an introduction to psychology. It explores human nature, including how the mind works, and how the brain supports the mind. Topics covered in...
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